10 Key Takeaways from Wisewool’s Country Calendar Episode

Posted by Chris Larcombe on

Hey there, wool enthusiasts! Get ready to dive into the fabulous world of Wisewool from last week's Country Calendar episode (Season 2023, episode 14) with us in this blog post.

We've just witnessed an episode that truly highlighted the incredible potential of wool in revolutionising the textile industry. So, grab your favourite cosy wool blanket and join us as we share ten takeaways from this truly Kiwi episode about Wisewool, their mission, and how they make the magic.

From farmer heroes to sustainability champions and innovative creations, we're about to embark on a woolly adventure that will redefine how you see textiles. Let's jump right in, shall we?

10 Facts from Wisewool's Country Calendar Episode

1. Wool is the future, baby!

"Wool is the future of textiles - We need something like this, we need something to replace synthetics and plastics. It's got heaps of potential." - Henry, Wisewool.

Move over synthetics and plastics - we've found the next big thing, and it's woollicious! Henry knows it, we know it, and now you will too. Wool is sustainable. It's environmentally friendly. It's the right choice for our future.

2. Farmers are the backbone of the NZ wool revolution

"It's all about the farmers. We don't survive without them." - Angus, Wisewool

Wisewool has an industry end goal of paying the farmers more so that wool has strong value in the marketplace. That's why products featuring Wisewool come at a premium price, too.

3. Wool quality control?

Thanks Nicky! Nicky from Wisewool experiments with all the products in her home sewing room to test them herself first. She says they are "fussy" about the quality of the products and sustainability. We love that!

4. Breaking the cycle of offshore wool value

Hold up, wool lovers! In the past, wool has been sold offshore in a raw state, then gets value-added by other countries and none of it gets back to the farmers. Wisewool is changing that.

We need to convince the right people in the right places on the value of wool, and not rely on Europe and Asia to increase it.

5. Ring, ring, ring!

Angus gets more phone calls from his parents than we've had hot dinners. Seriously, at least 30 days a call from each of them. Talk about a close-knit family!

6. Woollen Furniture

Kovacs Furniture in Christchurch is making wool-filled cushions to rival traditional foam cushions. They're gorgeous (and sustainable!). Who needs foam when you can sink into a cloud of woolly bliss?

7. Tradition is the name of the game at Totangi station

The contractors are connected to the same gang George's grandfather used in his day. They're also still using a bale press from the 70s. You gotta see the episode to believe how cool it is.

8. Paging quality control!

East Coast Wools is Henry's business for over 130 years that brokers deals for farmers with wool. They sample the wool from every bail and see if it's good enough to buy specifically for Wisewool onsite.

"Grab Sample Machines" tell about the colour, micron, vegetable matter... all attributes they need to know about the wool - completely by machine!

9. Houston, we have quality wool

Wool checkers at Totangi Station have to manually check if the wool clip is good enough to be classed "premium" wool (like colour and moisture) before being sent off to ECW.

That's how you get such a fabulous product like Wisewool. And that's how we can make our luscious pillows and duvets.

10. The more, the merrier

200+ farmers supply Wisewool in the region so far - and hopefully more as demand for New Zealand wool grows!

If you haven't watched the episode, it's well worth your time. You'll learn how the wool industry is changing in New Zealand and how to help!

Kiwis need to pitch in where they can and support wool for a more sustainable New Zealand and a healthy, growing industry. 

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